Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Mike O"Brien Comment

 MassLive has an article about the former City Manager, Mike O'Brien having a portrait unveiled. Someone I know in the real estate business swears the City needs someone like this to get this project completed. 

He said the project down town was stalled and O'Brien convinced Hanover to buy out the Boston developer, drop the mall and construct the building UNUM was in. 

He also gives O'Brien all the credit for all the development which is occurring throughout the City. Finally, he said the deals would not of been so one sided if he negotiated them.


Editor's note:   We could not agree more with this comment

MassLive Column:   


Anonymous said…
I saw him once walking on Main St picking up trash and and throwing it in a trash receptacle. The change in the City began under O'Brien but it is the simple thing like picking up litter in a suit that will always be in my mind. Augustus could never fill O'Briens shoes let's hope Batista can the City is heading down the runway and possibly ready to take off.
Anonymous said…
I think winn was able to take advantage of some of the renaissance. Wellington 33 mil funding on 7 mil purchase. Boys club arts project now expanded elderly housing
Anonymous said…
The T&G has a better article, better late than never. An excellent City Manager!