Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

JetBue New Schedule Starting Today: Arriving Midnight in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale

4:24 PM  FLL to  7:26 PM ORH

8:45 PM ORH  to  12:03 AM FLL

**Instead of having early morning flight leaving at 8:10AM and arriving at 11:29AM.  We are going with a late night flight arriving at midnight in FLL.    Not crazy about this change



6:00 AM  ORH to   7:13 AM JFK

12:10 PM JFK  to   1:18 PM  ORH

1:52 PM  ORH to    2:59 PM JFK

2:29 PM JFK  to     3:29 PM ORH


David Z. said…
Are frequent schedule changes by airlines common at other airports? It seems like it’s been a revolving door of schedule changes at ORH since flights returned post COVID.
Anonymous said…
BOS flight times have been moving around but they are slowly returning to the pre Covid cadence.

I’m not sure who wants to land at FLL at midnight and pay for a hotel without getting to spend the day in South Florida. I guess if you own a home there it doesn’t matter but this is a good way to send people to other airports.
molly said…
funny the jetblue web site does not say that
molly said…
funny, jet blues web site site still shows 11:30PM ARRIVAL AT fll