Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Donna Colorio Request From A Comment

 Donna Colorio is asking for a report on the development revenues. 

I think this is the 3rd or 4th time she has asked and City Hall will just ignore her again while they continue to ask us to just keep paying more and more.


Anonymous said…
Since the revenues are coming up short The WooSox should donate a potion of every lobster roll sold to help pay for the ballpark, since they aren't paying taxes.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the city can beg Larry Lucchino and Doc Charles for a PILOT
David Z. said…
The revenues are not coming up short. The former Cove site and the Table Talk development is also part of the DIF that is generating revenue for the ballpark.
David Z. said…
Speaking of tax revenue, what’s the rumor mill saying about the Amazon warehouse at the former Greendale Mall? Amazon recently announced a brand new warehouse in suburban Buffalo would not open. Is the new Worcester warehouse going to have the same fate and never open?