Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Avelo Starts Services To Florida Gulf Coast Out of Binghamton


You cant tell me Avelo not looking at Worcester


Rusty said…
Haven’t heard a word on anything regarding new carriers in quite some time. Just continued support for what’s already here. As of the airports on cruise control, just holding steady. Binghamton is quite surprising. They must’ve considered ORH at some point. Wonder what is driving them away.
Anonymous said…
What’s probably driving them away is the extremely low load factors for delta and American. Marketing can also be another reason why they don’t try up here as well seeing that the airport doesn’t have any.
Anonymous said…
The low loads for Delta is due to the bad flight schedule. Until Delta adds an early flight to NYC or switch to Atlanta, loads will be low.
Can’t just add a flight with a bad scheduled time and expect high loads. Delta is a great airline and would give JetBlue trouble, if Delta had decent times and destination out of ORH.

Anonymous said…
The low load times (sub 30%) was back when it was a mid day flight that delta had instead of an evening flight.
Anonymous said…
Worcester seems to be on the map for the LIV golf event this weekend. Check out all of these private jets arriving tomorrow. Typically we see 1-2 a day at most maybe, tomorrow as of this comment we have SEVEN! Seems like even though most people don’t know about it, at least the rich people do but most others don’t unfortunately.
ORH Fan said…
I can't imagine that the loads for Delta have gotten any better with the flight being later. The connection options are limited at LaGuardia at that time. My understanding is that the LaGuardia flight out of ORH is being moved even later so unless you want to spend the night in Queens, what's the point??? As for American Airlines, to get anywhere in Florida other than Miami I would have to make 2 stops (Tampa and West Palm Beach for example), and to Fort Myers, 3 stops (ORH to JFK, JFK to Columbus, Columbus to Philadelphia, then Philadelphia to Fort Myers). I'm not a big JetBlue person as I mostly fly Delta because I have preferred status with them. I can't say I'm surprised the flight loads are the way they are. The flight options stink. There's no way these airlines are here because they want to be with the possible exception of JetBlue but even then I have my doubts. It's no coincidence that these 3 airlines are the 3 largest that serve Logan Airport and are all constantly fighting for market share at Logan. If these airlines wanted to be here they'd be giving us better flight options. As for Avelo, I don't see them coming here anytime soon with the flight loads we have. My guess is their next New England expansion will be to Portsmouth or Manchester. As for me, and until something changes here and we get some better flight options, I'll be giving my business to TF Green in Rhode Island.