Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

The Fun Has Just Begun



***  Not one mention of the finances??? 

Does the Telegram do any actual reporting/investigating anymore???


Anonymous said…
In Airport news (because this is what this blog is about) JetBlue just cut 37 routes and 12 are Fort Lauderdale. Luckily worcester did not face any cuts. Delta is making cuts at Laguardia soon so it’ll be interesting to watch since Delta flights at ORH only averaged around 30% loads
Anonymous said…
The project was sold as a package, ballpark and the development which made it not a burden on the taxpayers. At some point in time the ballpark got separated from the development and since then it is like the Wizard of Oz "Don't look behind the curtain".
Anonymous said…
I have been married for 21 years. We did big celebrations on our 5th,10th,15th and 20th anniversaries. Why is a 4th anniversary even an article? Must be a slow news day at the Daily Chronicle.
Bill Randell said…
Because the PawSox press office sent the writer a press release telling him it was their 4th anniversary
Bill Randell said…
The Telegram should simply give the WooSox their own column to print their press releases..
Anonymous said…
MassLive is not far behind them. I wish Worcester had a real newspaper or local television affiliate, Spectrum News has its limitation too.
Anonymous said…
Loads for flights departing from ORH in March 2022:

-LGA (38%)
-JFK JetBlue (50%)
-JFK AA (22%)
-FLL (80%)

Anonymous said…
When the team was playing in Pawtucket I remember seeing promotional commercials for PawSox games. I don't recall ever seeing a WooSox commercial or promotion either on TV or in print. Why, because between their own internet exposure and the coverage by our local media they can eliminate an advertising expense. Genius. PT Barnum has nothing over Charles Steinberg. The man is worth everything the WooSox pay him!
Anonymous said…
I just saw a tweet from Brad Kane about local media coverage and what they cover. It is amazing that a project that went 60% over budget could be swept under the rug by the local media.
Anonymous said…
I have online subscriptions that if they were not already paid for I would cancel them. I am tired of reading most expensive/lease expensive real estate sales and WooSox articles and every now and the something on the City. The news media is dead in Worcester. R.I.P.