Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Polar Park Cannabis Signs

 MassLive column:

"A new marketing deal at Polar Park has found a clever loophole to allow cannabis advertising by placing it not inside, but all around the park.
Southbridge-based cannabis dispensary Green Meadows has signed a three-year marketing deal with the Worcester Red Sox to place banners in the area surrounding the ballpark, .


Editor's note:    Basically the Woosox can advertise anywhere that they want around the City of Worcester with their lease.    It is not a loophole, it is giant hole in the lease that benefits the WooSox immensely...   

  • I dont know how do we feel as taxpayers to have cannabis signs hanging from the city owned assets???   
  • Do we have any control as to what types of advertising can be sold??  
  •  The WooSox can signs advertising deals with anyone they want and we have no control on the content???   


Anonymous said…
I quickly looked thru City Council agendas and did not find anything.
Anonymous said…
Ray Mariano's editorial called the advertising agreement for Pickett Park a homerun for the WooSox and called out on strikes for the taxpayers. I assume the same would apply to the cannabis banners.