Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

May 7th Flights

 Everything looking real good at ORH.

Fort Lauderdale this morning is getting a late start 10:22 AM.

Last cancellation we have had was JetBlue morning flight to JFK April 25th.


Anonymous said…
Should’ve never said anything about the cancellation. Yesterday’s mid day flight for JetBlue was cancelled
Anonymous said…
Morning flight was delayed quite a bit today. The mid day flight for JetBlue left before the morning flight did. Delta (very surprisingly) is late as well
Anonymous said…
Looks like another instance of no one at the airport to open the door.

flight 676 epic fail when the 1.5+ hour delay ends in arriving at ORH and no one can open the door. #landed25minutesagoandstuckonplane.
Nearly 55 minutes after landing ... the only plane at ORH and we are off plane but now waiting on luggagecand no sign of it. #jetBlueCrewofOne #epicfail #cantopendoorordeliverluggage"