Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

May 3rd Flights

 Another good day yesterday

Good start today





Worcester 7:22AM to JFK 8:14 AM

Landed 8:07AM

 JFK 12:05 PM to Worcester 1:07PM   


Worcester  1:42PM to JFK  2:42PM


JFK 10:45PM to Worcester 11:45 PM



Worcester 6:00AM to Fort Lauderdale 9:17AM

Landed 8:52 AM  

 Fort Lauderdale 7:40 PM to Worcester 10:47PM

 10:36 PM PM  



 LaGuardia 11:50AM to Worcester 1:04PM

12:31 PM

Worcester 2:10PM to LaGuardia 3:12PM

3:13 PM   



JFK 12:15PM to Worcester 1:19PM

1:05 PM

Worcester 2:11PM to JFK  3:29 PM   

3:16  PM  



Anonymous said…
JetBlue schedule changes tomorrow for mid day turn. The 12:05 flight will now leave JFK at at 9:05, arrive at ORH for 10:08 then depart ORH at 11:05. It will use the same aircraft for all of the flights to and from jfk in the morning so it’ll go down to JFK, come back to ORH, then go back down to JFK again. Only reason for delays involving that one will be for either mechanical issues, weather, or crews can’t turn around the plane on time. But if all 3 of those things are good, then there shouldn’t be any reason the JetBlue flight is delayed or cancelled. The JetBlue schedule is staying like that until June 9th. When the early am flight will be moved an hour to a 625 departure and the mid day turn will leave ORH at 315pm. June 6th is when Delta moves the LGA flight to an later afternoon/evening turn. Leaving ORH at 551.