Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Avelo Starts New Haven to DC Flights

Everything being done by Avelo in New Haven could be done soo easily in Worcester




May 26 – June 15

Monday, Thursday,
Friday & Sunday


9:55 a.m.

11:00 a.m.


8:00 a.m.

9:15 a.m.

Effective June 16:

Monday & Friday


9:55 a.m.

11:00 a.m.


8:00 a.m.

9:15 a.m.

Effective June 16:

Thursday & Sunday


7:35 p.m.

8:40 p.m.


5:40 p.m.

6:55 p.m.


Anonymous said…
I wouldn’t be a fan of Avelo doing a ORH to DCA route because what connections can you get at DCA or BWI without changing airlines? If this was American Airlines to DCA or Southwest to BWI, that’s a different story but Avelo to BWI I feel like is more for leisure because Southwest mainly flies out of there (unless they have a partnership or plan on expanding at BWI, it doesn’t make that much sense)
Rusty said…
Once JB can get through their current staff shortages expect an announcement of additional service to ORH. From what I’ve been hearing from friends who work at ORH/for JB, the airline is very much in ORH for the long term and would like to expand service and has hinted at it several times already; however currently, they can barely run the route network they already have, let alone expand. And they know it, hence no additional routes. JB is swapping the current E190 for an A320 high density (restyled a.k.a. More seats) for the current FLL flight for the duration of the summer due to high demand. From what I hear this is a test with possibility for it to become permanent. Currently staff shortages mean they can’t add a 2nd FLL flight just like they can’t add any other flights, but they can send a bigger plane to capture the demand. Nothing official from JB themselves but once they airline gets through these staff shortages (that have been going on since December I might add), from what I’ve been hearing I’d expect flights like Orlando and possibly other lesiure destinations to be announced. San Juan has been a very common rumor amongst the employees from what I’ve heard due to the high demographic of people from the Island in the Central Massachusetts area and apparently JB did a poll with San Juan being the 2nd highest destination requested behind Orlando. Despite all the things you see on the news and on this blog, the current flights at ORH are doing quite well (Strictly speaking JB). FLL is sold out or damn near sold out every single day & both JFK flights are operating in the green (turning a profit). Their not full by any means but I’ve been told JB is pleased with the current #’s their seeing on the route. Once the airline can get their feet under them again and is ready to, I’d expect an expansion. I wouldn’t expect anything any sooner than late fall/early 2023 at the earliest however.