Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Great Comment

 You need to watch Tuesday nights City Council meeting and tell me we are at a place where we have the haves and have nots. Someone living on Harding St had an item about residential parking where they live.

 I assume it is because the City put those parking kiosks everywhere to get money to pay for the ballpark and it must have displaced residential parking. What makes displacing residents parking even worse is the City built a garage in place that only serves the ballpark. Now that is catering to the Haves. 

To make matters worse, I am sure the person with the parking issue pays taxes while the WooSox pay NO TAXES! This City needs to wake up and decide if they serve the residents and small businesses or a business with millionaire owners from Rhode Island and Boston.


 Editor's note:  Bet you petitioner pays real estate taxes too.....   


wormtown said…
Typical Worcester. Why do we demand free parking everywhere, right in front of the destination we are going to, in every
part of the city? Suburban mentality in the second largest city in New England. In case you haven’t noticed, even in the winter when the ballpark is dormant, parking is at a premium in the canal district.
Anonymous said…
It is probably a little more than the last comment states. If I rented an apartment for years and during that period I had on street parking then something changed I would be upset. I rent in a six family and there is one offstreet spot per apartment. Every apartment has at least two cars, one has three. If we could not park on the street we'd have a problem because there is no where to park. Because Worcester does not have a good mass transit system, like Boston, we rely on our cars. So when new developments are built there needs to be ample parking required for new tenants so this does not make a bad situation worse.Unfortunately this does not help with pre existing apartment buildings or multi family units. When they announced the ratio of apartments to parking spaces of the Cove I thought about this very issue and wondered where residents would park because the Canal District is tight already. If I were to rent at the Cove and know up front that I need to rent a parking spot from the beginning that is one thing, if I have been renting in the Canal District for years and now I am scrambling for parking that is a whole different story, especially if my rent just increased and inflation is eating into my paycheck every week.
wormtown said…
Have you ever talked to someone who lives in Boston about their parking issues? Worcester’s parking issues are nothing compared to other cities.
Anonymous said…
Don’t worry about the parking at the Cove, they have 136 bike spots on top of the 99 parking spaces to serve 173 apartments. In terms of Boston parking issues I moved from Boston to Worcester because of the rent AND parking issues so I don’t need to ask anyone about it. I will say the rent was the number one issue which brought me to Worcester.
Anonymous said…
I go to Fiddlers Green a lot and when they put the kiosks on Temple St we joked that they were going to charge people attending Mass at St. Johns to pay for the ballpark. Give to Caesar (Augustus) what is Caesar's.