Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Avelo Adds 4 Destinations out of Tweed (New Haven)





 All of these destinations out of New Haven would succeed in Worcester





David Z. said…
And Breeze Airways announced today they’re adding 8 flights and making Bradley a base adding 200 jobs. I think the chances of them adding ORH just dropped to little or no chance.
David Z. said…
Here’s more from the Hartford Courant
Anonymous said…
Don't believe Breeze adding Hartford as their base impacts ORH's chance at all. Hartford is at least an hour and half away from ORH. Not a lot people from Central Mass will make the drive down to Hartford to fly Breeze or for that instance Avelo out of New Haven; people will most likely look at BOS, PVD or ORH first. Don't see any impact here.
Common Sense said…
My Dad lived in New Haven for over 20 years. Other than the area around Yale the City is pretty much a dump. Maybe the Yale community is enough to make these flights viable.
Jeremy said…
I’m thinking spirit to San Juan will be our next flight