Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

WooSox May Be For Sale


How much to you think the PawSox were worth playing out McCoy in Pawtucket???

Now how much do you think the same team is worth playing in a brand new $175,000,000 stadium with a cushy lease where you get all the naming rights, concessions, tickets and most of the advertising at the stadium.  

A lease where the underlying for profit entity does not  pay any real estate taxes ???



Bet you the value of the team increased 5 fold by coming to Worcester.

Time to cash out

Thanks you taxpayers of Worcester









Anonymous said…
If you were ever going to sell now would be the perfect time. A brand new ballpark with a favorable lease AND one of the highest attendances in minor league baseball. This will be a true test of the WooSox negotiating skills.
Anonymous said…
There is an article in the Telegram as well. In the article Larry Lucchino stated the ownership group voted down the $50,000,000.00 offer but did state the team will eventually be sold. The team is like a stock, you try to sell high. Next year will be interesting, in a hopefully non covid season how much will attendance increase without any restrictions. Next year could be a better year for the team than this year, thus increasing their value more and someone of the stature of Larry Lucchino knows this better than any of us. I am betting on Larry.
Jeremy said…
Delta inbound flight for tomorrow is sold out. It wasn’t earlier today, they must’ve filled with a cancelled Boston flight, we will take it
Anonymous said…
If members of the ownership group were to sell their interest you would hope it would be to someone with a local presence.
David Z. said…
The Fenway Sports Group is one of the minority owners. I can see them buying out Larry Luchino to keep their minor league affiliate in the family.
Anonymous said…
There goes the local ownership hopes.