Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

WooSox Facing Financial Issues, Now Lobbying for Congressional Financial Relief

 GoLocalProv ran this headline...

 The column is just a rehash of old news with a headline to get eyeballs.   Will not even post link.   It is a non-story,  trust us!!!!

  • alot of very profitable businesses applied for Payroll Protection monies!!.  WooSox had a rgeat year in Worcester and are not facing financial issues..

Had to comment on it since see it on various websites around Worcester today. 




Common Sense said…
Bill. Sorry to go off target, but I was looking at an overhead satellite view of ORH. I was surprised to see a regular taxiway replaced the jug-handle. Was this done recently?
Common Sense said…
Sorry Bill. I was looking at the end of the secondary runway.
Anonymous said…
I think you are half right with your post. The PPP program dates back to calendar 2020 when the WooSox were the Pawsox and did not have a final season so they logically should have accessed the federal money. After the season they just had, attendance over 300,000, why would they need a bailout from the federal government? This makes absolutely no sense to me.