JetBlue: Worcester To Tampa Roundtrip Under $200 in February
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Common Sense said…
Again, if the City, Massport,the airlines, the Chamber of Commerce and the private sector don't want to spend any money to market these flights they're never going to reach their full potential. I think sometimes Massport and the the airlines think these flights are going to succeed by osmosis. Don't tell my that all of these entities together can't come up with $250,000 for some billboards on I-290.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Common Sense. The followers of this blog are aware of ORH, but 90% of Worcester isn’t.
Common Sense said…
The cheapest long-term parking at Logan is $20 per day. So, If you're headed to Tampa for a week you've got to add $140 to the ticket price. The Knight's van or Uber is more than that. Then you add for gas and tolls. So, the flight will cost you $200 more to fly from Logan Then you've got the hassle of navigating through one of the busiest airports in the country.