Yes! Another Amazon warehouse! Let’s level the whole city and build one giant Amazon warehouse.
Rusty said…
Amazon already has their warehouse on Goddard Memorial, less than 1 mile from the airport. Plus the Greendale Mall site & they already have the sites they need. NIMBY/the city can’t stop anything that happens inside the airport (plus there won’t be much anyways, cargo ramps dont require much infrastructure or any buildings technically). Amazon played this smart. They built their warehouses first then their going to go for the airport I believe. Most NIMBY/the city could do is try and impose some kind of limits on trucks going down Goddard which will be hard as Goddard is already zoned commercial. I have no info on anyone concrete actually coming to ORH, but everyone I’ve talked to believes cargo of some form is coming. Or at the very least being ‘set up for’.
Anonymous said…
I was speaking with a friend of mine who is in the commercial real estate business primarily in the Boston Metro west area of the state but has done some work in the Worcester region. I told him about this blog and your posts about the ball park,the airport and lately Amazon expanding in the City. His opinion was the City sited the ballpark in the wrong area. He said a few years back the City made a pitch and a video trying the lure Amazon to locate a second corporate office to Worcester and proposed the Rte 20 corridor. He said the City just installed sewer lines down Rte 20 and there is a lot of under utilized land which the City could have acquired cheaper for a ball park.He also said that if the City was counting on the ballpark being a catalyst for development the Rte 20 cooridor would have been better because the area that the park is located was already being developed and there is a limited amount of developable or under utilized land. This all made sense to me.