Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Jeremy Comment Today


Delta flight today to LGA is sold out. The flight is really starting to take off 



Anonymous said…
Great news! Any idea when United will start flying to ORH?
Jeremy said…
I think our priority should be a second delta flight. That would should other airlines they are successful here.
Bill Randell said…
Another legacy carrier is not a priority. Agree a 2nd Delta Flight to LaGuardia coupled with the three fights to JFK would be much better addition
Anonymous said…
We need a delta flight to Atlanta. The success the JFK flight has had, I think an Atlanta flight would benefit delta because not only will it be good from a business traveler’s standpoint to travel wherever, it benefits the people going on vacation because they can go pretty much to any Florida destination from Atlanta. From a business standpoint, the ideal flights would be Delta to Atlanta and American to Charlotte. From a vacation/leisure travel standpoint, Orlando and Myrtle Beach would be 2 top destinations that should be targeted because as we know in the past, they would do very well.
Jeremy said…
Agree on Atlanta if making connections. Nothing beats Atlanta but who are we targeting right now? Business to New York with some connections and tourists to Florida. LGA combined with JFK gets the business travelers which is where the money is. When an airline has 1 flight per day (exception Florida) it shows they are testing the water. Multiple flights show demand. We need to show demand to attract other airlines.
Anonymous said…
Delta should add Flights to Orlando (MCO), along with Atlanta or a second New York (LGA) flight. This would definitely make Jetblue/American start to pay attention.
Not having any non-stop flights to Orlando from ORH, makes no sense since the flights were always doing very well.
Jeremy said…
Orlando doesn’t fit delta’s business model. We need JB or other leisure airline to fly that flight.