Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Final Cost Of Polar Park


When do you think we will ever find out the final cost of Polar Park????




We still say north of $170,000,000



Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Sorry. Hit enter too quickly. 181000000
Anonymous said…
I don't think they will ever tell us the true cost of the ballpark or the total cost of the related work. I call the related work the cost of the streets the City improved because of the ballpark. I drove ove Lamaratine St today and they have made it wider and are installing granite curbing, not cheap. I doubt the City will ever tell us the total cost of this work which would not have been done without the ballpark. If you add all expenses you are probably closer to $200,000,000.00.
Anonymous said…
I was on Lamaratine heading to Crompton Collective and thought of an older comment about the garage and the City built it too far away from the Canal District.
Anonymous said…
Too much!
Anonymous said…
If the news was good, we would already know about it.

My prediction is never. They will play cost allocation games and they know that most voters wouldn’t understand even a direct financial report.
Anonymous said…
This is the problem with government generally and we taxpayers specifically. We pay our taxes and when mistakes are made, which we all make, they bury or ignore them and we don't know any better. We complain when we get our tax bill and never follow up but the mistakes with the ballpark are a different story all together. A project that started at $100 million has exploded to $175 million. The development that is supposed to be completed by now and is paying for the ballpark hasn't really even started. These mistakes are big and costly and the City just says trust us we are going to make more money than we ever expected but does not show us how and we are expected to just take their word for it. Only in Worcester!
Anonymous said…
Unfortunately, it isn’t “only in Worcester”. Listen to the president telling you that pumping $4.75 trillion (trillion!) into the economy won’t exacerbate inflation. Not to mention the $5 trillion on the Fed’s existing balance sheet that needs to get unwound. It’s like a bad science fiction movie that won’t end.
Anonymous said…
This morning on cable news the anchor was touting the "public/private partnership" between the federal government and the pharmaceutical companies in developing the Covid vaccines. What it boiled down to is the government paid trillions of dollars to the pharmaceutical companies to develop vaccines and now they are now profiting from the vaccines the government paid for.
This is similar to Polar Park. The City paid millions to construct Polar Park and now the WooSox are probably making millions in profits from the ballpark.
In both cases, as a taxpayer I feel like I am getting screwed but at least with the vaccine I received two shots and a booster for "free" even though either I, my kids or my grandkids will be paying for it in our taxes.