Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Where's Waldo: Posting This List Every Week Until We Get Answers


 Think any councilor or candidate for council would try to get any of these answers????  

  1. Updated pro forma reflecting current costs of at least $159,500,000 and no development from Phase I
  2. An Auditor's report on the updated pro forma
  3. Final Costs of Polar Park.   It sure is more then $159,500,000.  We are guessing $175,000,000.
  4.  Completed LDA of  the Left Building Site.
  5. When will Madison actually break ground on any of their projects???
  6. Who is paying for Polar Park police details??   
  7. Where is  the new Polar park Commisson?
  8.  Are real estate taxes going to be paid on the $175 million ballpark which is being leased to a for profit organization.






Anonymous said…
Like everyone else the City will ignore you until something blows up.