Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Avelo Airlines New Haven Update

** Sorry had it posted as Newark not New Haven orginally



Avelo Press Release  May 6, 2021 regarding New Haven


Avelo is investing $1.2 million into HVN to help upgrade and modernize facilities and operations. The airline will employ more than 100 Crewmembers at HVN by the end of the year, including pilots, flight attendants, customer support personnel, and technicians, most locally hired. Avelo’s investment is part of a $100 million project for a new terminal and extended runway at HVN spearheaded by airport operator Avports that will result in the overall creation of up to 11,000 jobs in the area.

Been hearing Avelo plans to station three Boeing 737-700 aircraft to New Haven





Anonymous said…
Thats New Haven, not Newark