Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Has The Cost of Polar Park Cost Gone Up Another $2,382,393?



Last WRA Agenda


3 Authorize Execution of Change Order #2 to the Owner-CM Agreement with Gilbane-Hunt Joint Venture in the amount of $2,382,393.00



Does this mean we add this cost to the existing $159,500,000???







Anonymous said…
Looks like it but how do you tell, there is no documentation.
I went on the City's website and there is none there either.
Where is the transparency on this project?
Anonymous said…
The only transparent fact ps:
The city is crushing small business in the canal district that pay the full commercial tax rate and the zdozens and dozens of BS fees to favor one particular business with a giant tax break

The rest of us will pay to carry the load with increased taxes, and the city council will be cowadprdlh and maximize the commercial rate, driving businesses to either bankrupt patch or to surrounding towns. Those free health care and pensions for life are the #1 and #2 issues fir the city councilors. Whatever #3 is doesn’t come close.