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Spectrum News: Police Details for Polar Park

 check this out

This is not small detail!!!   Look how much is spent on details at the DCU

WORCESTER, Mass. - Opening Day for the inaugural season of the Worcester Red Sox is just days.

Thousands of fans are expected to descend on Polar Park and Worcester's Canal District on Tuesday afternoon to attend the game and catch all the excitement in and around the ballpark.

The Worcester Police Department will have officers working details inside Polar Park and outside the stadium, directing traffic and helping people cross the intersecting streets of Kelley Square to get to the game.

While the plans for the police details are laid out, the City of Worcester says they and the WooSox still haven't agreed on who will pay for it all. A City spokesperson told Spectrum News 1 on Friday the plans are still being worked out.

Police will have traffic security and pedestrian security details and will be monitoring all the action from the WPD's real-time crime center.

According to sources, current agreements call for SMG, Inc. the venue's management company and the Worcester Railers to foot the bill for events at the DCU Center that require police details.

In 2020, Worcester police officers collected more than $12 million in detail pay.




Anonymous said…
This could be a big cost. Depending on the time of the game you will need a lot of officers for traffic. Just another cost that the rocket scientists at City Hall forgot!