Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Polar Park Facade

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 finished facade

 presentation facade



Common Sense said…
Don't like this facade. Looks more like an office building than a ballpark. The original diagram with the brick facade is much nicer. Seems like they tried to save money by using cheaper materials instead of the brick. Maybe because the whole project was so over budget.
Bill Randell said…
Not sure how you can use the word "saving money" when $100 million stadium looks will come in at $175 million

David Z. said…
Very early on they decided to change the facade to this as homage to the former Higgins Armory.
Bill Randell said…
Homage to Higgins Armory???? What in this facade reminds anyone of Higgins Armory ???
TJR said…
Really?! That looks like a 60's department store...were they going for a retro look?