Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Breeze Airways & Panama City Make Alot Of Sense

Head of planning at Breeze, Max Barrus, is from Allegiant, where they targeted secondary cities in Florida to send alot of flights to; for example:


  1. St Pete's
  2. Punta Gorda


Check out  the Allegiant Route Map.  Amazing how many flights Allegiant sends to these two airports!!!

We can see Breeze doing something similar in Florida, but they will most likely not want to fly where Allegiant has a stong foothold like St Pete's or Punta.     As a result Panama City makes alot of sense.-    Nortwest Florida Beaches International Airport.


Also hearing Tampa mentioned alot....    

Seems like top 3 destinations for Breeze will be:


  1. Panama City
  2. Tampa
  3. Charleston

 Other on the list

  • Myrtle Beach
  • Melbourne, Florida

