Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

Copy of Pawtucket Lawsuit Against PawSox And Statement From Pawtucket


Click here for copy of lawsuit


Thank you very much for reaching out to the City. Attached is the copy of the lawsuit and below is a statement that can be attributed to me.


This is another unfortunate piece of the Pawtucket Red Sox Saga. The City of Pawtucket worked hard to keep the Pawtucket Red Sox here, but the long-standing team will no longer be playing here in Rhode Island. The team sent the State and City its notice not extend their lease which ends this month on January 31st. This means the City of Pawtucket will be exposed for the entire facility and upkeep which was originally the responsibility of the State and PawSox, leaving the burden on the taxpayers to fix or knock down the facility.


The City of Pawtucket’s primary responsibility continues to be to preserve and protect our taxpayers’ investments. The City, months ago, engaged legal and professional counsel to assist and review all the agreements to protect the taxpayers. Through their due diligence and the failure and refusal fully to preform required maintenance, repair, and other obligations in connection with the exiting lease, the City has filed suit in Superior Court in order to ensure that the commitments of the lease are met and the city is protected.


The City and Team continue to have conversations to allow the PawSox to stay in the facility on a month to month basis to assist them in their transition past the lease. The City is always willing to continue fruitful partnerships so long as our taxpayers are protected.



Wil Arboleda

City of Pawtucket

Office of the Mayor

137 Roosevelt Avenue

Pawtucket, RI 02860

Office: 401-728-0500 Ext. 358



