Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

WBJ Welker Next Post: Pickett Park ???

  Remember the virtual tour

Grant here is your next post:  General Pickett Park delayed.   

Here are some other things:

  • Can you find out what is going on with Pickett Park?? 
  • BTW how much does Polar pay annually for the naming rights that go directly to the Pawsox???  
  • Wonder if they collected any monies yet from Polar without a) signing or making their first $3,000,000 payment that was due last December??? 
  • General Pickett has suppose to be the gateway to Polar Park all done through a 3.5 million state grant.  Has that started yet????

Could General Pickett be another component that can not be done for the budgeted monies???


Common Sense said…
Who gets the money from the $80 Woosox hoddie I bought?
Common Sense said…
I've warned from the start that this developer (hotel, retail, commercial) has stated in print that he has no problem waiting until market conditions are right to start a project. Maybe the City should hold off on building the new high school. Maybe the City Manager should go back to his made up job at Holy Cross (he supervised two people).