Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

JetBlue JFK Inbound Under 10 Passengers Last NIght

We got a text from a very reliable person that last night inbound from JFK had 8 people on board.    Keep in mind this Embraer 190 seats 100 people.    

Before anyone accuses of being negative, we are trying to point this out as a problem that needs to be addressed.   If we do not, the airlines surely will.      We already know that the loads on this flight are bad at approximately 40%, but 8 people??

We know this sound crazy after talking about 8 people on this flight, but we really need a mid-day turn for this route to be a success.   No other city from the NorthEast that has a flight to JFK with Jetblue that only has one flight:

  • Boston :  5
  • Buffalo:   5
  • Burlington:   3
  • Rochester:   3
  • Portland:   3
  • Syracuse: 2   

Right now the spread is simply too far departing at 6AM returning at midnight. 



Anonymous said…
I really, really want ORH to work. It would be such a better option than Logan for me and many, many other area residents. BUT, unreliable connections to JFK had me rebook several flights to Logan (all direct flights, BTW-worthy despite the hassle and expense of getting in and out of Logan).

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add another JFK turn so passengers have an option and don't get stranded, or end up having to rebook back through Logan anyway as has happened to me (adding he expense of a car service to take me back to get my car parked at ORH). I won't be doing that again. Not taking the chance.