Fiscal 2023 DIF Account

As Delta/JetBlue Heats Up In Boston, Delta Starts August 2nd In Worcester

Motley Fool Post Yesterday

" Last week, Delta Air Lines (NYSE:DAL) reported excellent second-quarter results. Delta executives pointed to Boston as one of the key markets driving the company's growth. Revenue rose 25% at the carrier's Boston hub, driven by a 10% unit revenue gain -- far ahead of the domestic average of 3.6% growth -- on top of a double-digit capacity increase.

 In light of its strong results in Boston, Delta Air Lines plans to continue expanding aggressively there over the next couple of years. In fact, the carrier set a new medium-term target of growing to approximately 200 peak-day departures at Boston's Logan Airport by 2021."

Did you see that-- 200!!!!!    JetBlue also plans to have 200 flights in 2021.
 How the hell are we not part of this????

JetBlue currently has three flights per day:
  •  Orlando
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • New York

Delta will start August 2nd to Detroit with no advertising as far as we can tell.    In total 4 flights between the two airlines one hour away from Logan, who has the same owner as Worcester (Massport).

By 2021, there could be 400 flights per day from JetBlue and Delta alone from Boston.    What is the goal for Worcester????



Eric Kollios said…
The goal for Worcester is this...

When an airline wants something at Logan, Massport will say "Sure, just throw ORH a scrap".

Bill Randell said…
This certainly appears to be the case....
Worc_bill said…
I think that's how we got Delta. Notice the planes won't have IR. That way, without advertising, Delta can, along with American, say, "Well, we tried." And then they can scrap ORH in 6 months, going back to the gold mine that is Logan.
Padraig said…
There needs to be a concerted effort by all of us in addressing these shortfalls. This means calling, emailing and especially rallying at local State elected officials offices. Who's in?